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  • jpanagak

Midterm Project

For my Midterm project, I created a computer that expresses "emotion", via emotes, lights, and sounds, when you interact with it physically. (6 in total!)

For example....

A Button: (Accommodate) The Microbit shows a smiley face, with a green light, and the speaker plays the "Ba Ding" tone.

B Button: (Bother) The Microbit shows an annoyed face, with a yellow light, and the speaker plays the "Power Down" tone.

A+B Button: (Upset) The Microbit shows a sad face, with a red light, and the speaker plays the "dadadadum" tone.

On Shake: (Sickly) The Microbit shows a sickly face, with a yellow and green light, and the speaker plays the "Jump down" tone.

Screen Tilt Down: (Caution) The Microbit shows a shocked face, with a red and yellow light, and the speaker plays the "wawawawaaa" tone.

On Free fall: (Death) The Microbit shows a skull face, with a white light, and the speaker plays the "Funeral" tone.

The hardest part of creating this project was figuring out what I wanted to connect to my board. Originally, I had a separate button attached to the board, but eventually I ran out of room for other LEDs I needed to hook up. I ended up removing the button entirely, and replacing that emote trigger with the "face screen down" interaction.

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